Demonstration in Los Angeles In Solidarity with Kobane and Call for Support against the ISIS.
October 12, 2014
Kurdish and non-Kurdish protestors gather in front of the federal building on Wilshire Boulevard today to rally against the Turkish government's refusal to intervene in the seizure of Kobani, a primarily Kurdish city on the Turkish-Syrian border, by Daʿesh (داعش) jihadists.
Press Release
A demonstration was held in Los Angeles on Sunday Oct 12 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM in front of the Federal Building in Westwood against the Islamic State’s ongoing vicious assault on the Kurdish city of Kobani and to urge the US to support for the defenders of the city.
We members of the Kurdish community in Los Angeles stand in solidarity with the people of the besieged Kobani and call for prompt action to save the residents and defenders of the city from a massacre. The IS terrorists have captured sizable portions of the city despite the fierce and heroic resistance of Kurdish freedom fighters. Hundreds of people have died and over 17000 people have been driven away from their homes, stranded in border areas, their fields ravaged, their belongings plundered, and their children traumatized. Many are mourning the loss of their loved ones, their homes, and their land. As the UN special envoy Mr. Staffan de Mistura has warned hundreds of people are still trapped in Kobani; they are under the siege of the IS and threatened with an imminent massacre.
As the people of the town and its defenders have shown with admirable courage, they do not want to give up and let the city fall; they are fighting valiantly to the last breath, but they are ill equipped against the heavily armed terrorists of the IS. The defenders of the city have repeatedly and desperately appealed to the international community, US in particular, for weapons and supplies to enable them to continue their fight. They want more effective and focused airstrikes to fend off the barbaric invaders.

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